Friday, March 21, 2025

More about Whimbrel

 I've been working steadily on the building plans for 'Whimbrel' with most of my time going into the construction details. Concentration leads to being ' the zone...' and some insights pop up. 

One such insight has resulted in me abandoning the idea of a free-standing mainmast for 'Whimbrel' - at least for a stock plan - and the associated slot in the foredeck, large centreboard-case-like mast box, and the balance lug mainsail. 

The Primary reasons for this decision are the weight and somewhat complex construction of the mast box, and the difficulty in carrying out maintenance inside the box long-term.  

The plans will now show a Yawl rig with a small jib, a gaff-headed mainsail, and a Leg-o'-Mutton mizzen as before. The mainmast will be deck-stepped in a tabernacle, and will be supported by masthead shrouds and forestay, because a Balance Lug does not marry well with shrouds and stays.

This rig has particularly good reefing qualities, including dropping the main completely in a hard chance, and proceeding under jib and mizzen with reasonably good hull balance.

More up-dates to follow at a modest pace......


  1. As a diehard balanced lugsail fanatic, I think this is a good tradeoff. It looks like it will be an easier overall setup and it's nice to be able to drop the main in a storm and still maneuver. A mesmerizing design. If someone wants to build this design in the U.S., I've got a gaff sail about the right size for the main I'll be happy to contribute to the cause.

  2. Thanks for the comment, Gary. I, too, am a balance lug fanatic. One option I considered before taking the leap and going to the gaff-headed yawl rig was to retain the free-standing mast and the balance lug main, but leaving the foredeck off with a self-draining forrard well as per PCB.

  3. So the slot top cabin has gone?
